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Q&A with Molly Gibbs ’22 (Sport Management)


Leading up to Winter Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet December 2022 graduate Molly Gibbs who will receive a Bachelor of Science in Sport Management with a minor in Business Administration and Management later this week!

Why did you choose to study Sport Management at UIndy?

I chose to study at UIndy because of its location and class sizes. Being part of smaller classes makes it much easier to create meaningful connections with the professors, which leads to great opportunities.

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

Dr. Jennifer VanSickle, Professor and Program Director of Sport Management, and Dr. David Paitson, Assistant Professor of Kinesiology, Health & Sport Sciences, were highly supportive and always willing to help during my time at UIndy. They both pushed me to do my best and helped me gain connections and experiences that ultimately led to me getting an internship and a job!

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

My favorite memory is being a team liaison for the Big Ten Women’s Basketball Tournament in Indy!

What are your plans after graduation?

I have accepted a full-time role as Recreation Coordinator at Brownsburg Parks and will continue coaching Club Volleyball at REV.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

Do not take your time at UIndy for granted. Try to take advantage of every opportunity you are given because the time goes much faster than you think.