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Adriana Kimp ’22 (Social Work) Experiences Service-Learning and Community Engagement

Adriana Kimp ’22

Adriana Kimp ’22 (social work) wants to spend her career helping kids. She envisions herself partnering with adoption agencies and eventually opening her own community center to create more opportunities for disadvantaged students.

At present, Kimp is gaining valuable experience through an elective course taught by Marianna Foulkrod, director of Service-Learning & Community Engagement at the University of Indianapolis. Through the Community Service-Learning class, students are connected with local nonprofit organizations and collectively engage in thousands of community service-learning hours each year. 

“The goal is to collaborate with agencies—in this case, the Intercollegiate YMCA and the Indianapolis Housing Agency—to create experiences for children in the after school program that enhance their learning and engagement in a safe and enriching environment,” Foulkrod explained. 

Students like Kimp spend three hours per week at a local apartment complex helping kids with homework, leading group discussions, passing out snacks and connecting with them emotionally. The semester-long project is mutually beneficial for the community and UIndy students.

It’s helping me grow and be more observant,” said Kimp. “It’s great practice so I can feel calm and comfortable meeting new people, asking questions and putting myself out there.

Adriana Kimp ’22

In the field of social work, these skills can be critical to developing trust with clients and being successful. No matter your major; no matter your passion, the University of Indianapolis is ready to help you grow while giving back. 

215,000+ community service hours (2018-19 academic year)

Our motto at the University of Indianapolis is “Education for Service.” 

It’s a chance to make a positive impact and change the world for the better—even before you graduate. 

The Center for Service-Learning & Community Engagement makes it easy for you to connect with UIndy’s network of 500 community partners. With fairs held early in the semester featuring up to 50 local nonprofit organizations, the goal is to match your personal and career interests with nonprofits in need of service-learning students. Choose from high-profile resume-builders like the 500 Festival and Indianapolis Zoo to health-related partners including the Indy Hunger Network and the Cancer Support Community. 

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