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Q&A with Tyson Magee ‘23 (Nursing)


The Class of 2023 has officially graduated and is ready to use their UIndy education for service to their communities. Meet first-generation college graduate Tyson Magee who recently received his Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) with minors in Psychology and Primary Care, and a concentration in Gerontology!

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

I was drawn in by the highly-accredited nursing program and the opportunity to continue my football career. 

Are you a part of any extracurriculars (either on or off campus)? If so, what are they and what is your role?

I was a member of the UIndy football team for all four years.

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

Professor Nelson Kraus (Anatomy and Physiology) was really influential to me. He was the one that showed me that learning can be fun and not everything has to be as complicated as others make it seem. He always preached to put materials into your own perspective so you can understand them better.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

My favorite memories are partaking in Nursing Simulations with my classmates and navigating nursing school through a pandemic. 

What are your plans after graduation? 

I plan to work in the Emergency Department at Community East while I am attending Purdue University to get my Doctorate of Nursing degree (DNP).

How did your degree program prepare you for your next steps?

The UIndy BSN program taught me how to think critically, but also think holistically when caring for my patients. I hope to carry these learned traits into my future practice as a nurse practitioner.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Challenge yourself. If you feel you aren’t being challenged, do more.