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Q&A with Lauren Marsh ’23 (Experience Design, Business Administration & Management)


Leading up to May Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet May 2023 graduate Lauren Marsh who will receive a Bachelor of Arts in Experience Design and Business Administration & Management at the end of the semester!

Why did you choose to study Experience Design and Business Administration & Management?

I started off as a business administration major. My freshman year, I took an experience design class and loved it, so I quickly added it as a second major. I have found this pair works very well as I get to be creative while also having management skills. 

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

I chose to study here because I liked the location and class sizes. 

Are you a part of any extracurriculars?

I have been involved with our tennis club all four years. 

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

For my Experience Design major, Austin Baker and Dr. Samantha Meigs were very influential to me. It is a small department and I have had many classes with them. It has been wonderful getting to know them and learn from them. 

As for Business Administration and Management, I learned a lot from Dr. Darrell Cousert and gained useful skills for the real world. He cares a lot about his students.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

One of my favorite memories at UIndy would be when I hosted my first event. In my experiential mapping and marketing class, we all had to plan and execute a brand activation event. We were marketing UIndy trading cards that we had made. My event was a 1970s-themed game show,  where I asked trivia questions related to the cards. Everyone from class came dressed accordingly, and overall it was a great experience!

What are your plans after graduation? 

I started working full-time at Conner Prairie recently as the Camps and Recreation Manager. I will continue working there after graduation. My main responsibilities are to help organize and supervise our camp programs as well as manage our teacher in residence program. 

How did your degree program prepare you for your next steps?

My programs prepared me to lead others and to look at things from a design perspective. There are definitely more ways, but these two happen daily at work! 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Go in with an open mind and try new things. I had no idea what experience design was before I came here and now I love it!