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Q&A with Christian Thomas ’23 (Psychology)


Leading up to May Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet May 2023 graduate Christian Thomas, a first-generation college student who will receive a Bachelor of Science in Psychology at the end of this semester!

Why did you choose to study Psychology?

I wasn’t a psychology major at the start. I was a nursing major and didn’t pass a class, so I switched to psychology and fell in love with it. I believe it will give me many opportunities down the road.

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

I chose UIndy because it was close to home, so if I wanted to see my mom, I could. I am a mama’s boy at heart. The other reason is how UIndy prides itself on helping students get connected to future employers.

Are you a part of any extracurriculars?

I have done a lot of extracurriculars. I have been a Student Affairs worker, orientation leader, resident assistant, and captain of the powerlifting club.

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

There are two that come to mind. Steven Freck, my boss, but also my friend at the same time. He has been a person who I can lean on when I need it and during my freshman year he helped me out a lot.

My coach and friend Dani McCuan helped me grow as a person so I can be confident. She helped me understand that it’s alright to fail, just don’t quit!

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

There are so many great memories I have of UIndy. I would have to say my favorite memory here would have to be being the mascot for Freshman Orientation. I had a lot of fun taking pictures with people and trying to make their first day at UIndy an enjoyable one.

What are your plans after graduation? 

I will be a project manager for my family’s construction business and will be traveling around the states, which is very exciting for me. 

How did your degree program prepare you for your next steps?

Psychology helped me by teaching me professionalism. Since I am moving into a managerial role, I have to be professional as well as make sure I am meeting people’s needs. Having a psychology degree is going to give me that extra support in doing that.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

To all the incoming freshmen, college isn’t like high school! There are a lot of professors who are wanting to help you out and see you succeed. Ask questions and also have the best four years of your life.