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First-Year Greyhound Reese Hoover ‘27 (Biology, Pre-Med) Emerges as Campus Leader with Biology Club


Transitioning to college is an exciting time. It’s the first step towards a career, lifelong friendships, and adulthood. But it’s not without its challenges, especially for those who come from small towns, like Denver, Indiana, home to just under 500 Hoosiers, including Reese Hoover.

Reese was used to small class sizes and a tight-knit community, and it was important that her future university share the same feeling. When she discovered the University of Indianapolis, she knew she had found just that.

“It was really important to me to get a personalized education,” said Reese. “So I wanted a smaller campus, which goes along with the smaller classes, and it’s a really good location, being so close to Indianapolis, but not in the city.”

What really sealed the deal for Reese was her faculty. After just a few weeks, it was clear to Reese that her professors were truly invested in her education and growth. 

“I was so nervous going into college that I would not like the professors,” confessed Reese. “Or they wouldn’t really care about my education; they were just there for a job. But every professor that I’ve had at UIndy has really wanted all of their students to learn. They’re always willing to help, and I love that.”

Reese’s professors were pivotal to expanding Reese’s education and getting her involved on campus. 

For her first-year seminar, Reese took a religion course taught by Dr. James Willis. Dr. Willis noticed Reese’s interest in the course and recommended that she pursue a concentration in comparative religion, something she wouldn’t typically have considered as a biology and pre-med major

“The comparative religion concentration will help me with my bedside manner,” explained Reese. “It’ll also help me stand out when applying to medical school.”

Outside of the classroom, Reese is busy preparing to assume leadership of the UIndy Biology Club, also known as “Mitochondria.” While only a freshman, Reese’s academic performance and involvement in the Biology Department caught the attention of Mary Gobbett, Assistant Professor of Biology and faculty advisor to the Biology Club. 

“Mary came to me and said that all of their leaders were graduating,” said Reese, “and she asked if I would be interested. I said, ‘yes,’ immediately and got three of my friends involved as well.”  

Reese and her fellow Biology Club members are in the process of planning several activities in celebration of this year’s solar eclipse. Cookie decorating and solar-system-themed mini golf are only the beginning of the many exciting things Biology Club has planned for its future. 

In addition to leading Biology Club, Reese is excited to begin her Honors project, a requirement for all students within the Ron and Laura Strain Honors College. While she’s not yet sure of what topic she’ll be focusing on or who her faculty advisor will be, she’s eager to start conducting research.

“I think the idea of researching is going to be so fun,” said a smiling Reese. “I know whichever faculty member that I decide to research with is going to be fun and helpful.”

And even though she plans to graduate a semester early, there is no doubt that Reese’s time at UIndy will be packed with new experiences, great friends, and memories that will last a lifetime.