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Q&A with Haley Hammonds ’22 (Psychology)


Leading up to Winter Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet December 2022 graduate Haley Hammonds who will receive a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a concentration in Clinical and Counseling Studies and minor in Child and Youth Programs later this month!

Why did you choose to study psychology?

Mental health has always been a passion of mine. To me, it is the ultimate way to help someone in need. When I was younger, I struggled a lot of my own mental health experiences. Therapy opened my eyes to what psychology was, and I fell in love with it ever since. I hope that someday I can become a therapist and help someone in need the way that my therapist helped me when I needed it most.

Why did you choose to study psychology at UIndy?

My mom received her bachelor’s degree from UIndy in 2016. Because of this, I had been to UIndy’s campus before. It wasn’t until my campus tour of UIndy in 2019 that I realized this was the college for me. During my tour, I had felt in my gut that UIndy was where I was supposed to be, and of course, I was happy to follow in my mom’s footsteps and become a fellow Greyhound!

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

Dr. Michael Poulakis, Assistant Professor and Director of the Office of Hellenic Studies, has not only been one of my favorite professors, but he’s also been an amazing resource and mentor to me. He has helped me with everything from graduate school applications to job interviews. Everything he does, he does with your best interest in mind. I am so grateful for his guidance this past year. He has taught me so much and I hope to stay in touch with him in the future so I can utilize his expertise while I maneuver my way through life after college.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

One of my favorite memories from my time at UIndy was during Welcome Week my freshman year. Move-in day at UIndy was also the same day UIndy hosted “Midnight Madness” at Target. I will never forget how much fun it was to have an entire Target dedicated to UIndy students, everyone running around with shopping carts grabbing last minute essentials while making new friends. It was such a unique way to meet new people, and I met so many new people that night.

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Everyone is just as confused as you, even if they don’t show it. Reach out to your professors and make connections on campus so that you have people to reach out to if you need that additional support. There is nothing wrong with utilizing your resources! If you feel like you’re falling behind, talk to a professor, a friend, or your advisor. I promise you, you will feel so much better once you ask.

How did the psychology program at UIndy prepare you for your next steps?

My degree in Psychology has taught me so much in the past three and a half years, but the most impactful way my degree has prepared me for the next steps was my internship experience for PSY499. I was an intern for Emberwood Center for six months, and it’s because of UIndy’s internship opportunities that I have the opportunity to be employed with Emberwood Center after graduation.