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December Graduate Profile: James Bertaux ’23 (Biology)


Leading up to December Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet December 2023 graduate James Bertaux, who will receive his Bachelor of Science in Biology with distinction from the Ron and Laura Strain Honors College and a minor in chemistry later this week!

Why did you pursue a degree in biology?

I pursued biology due to my passion of studying the science of life.

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

I chose to study at UIndy because I liked the idea of having smaller class sizes, more interaction with professors outside of class, and a more tightly-knit community.

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

I have had the privilege and joy of having Dr. Marc Milne as a professor and research advisor. Classes with him were well-taught and fun. I also worked with him closely while doing molecular research on spiders for my Honors project. College would not have been the same without him and this experience.

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

My favorite memories have always been meeting and interacting with wonderful people, whether they were fellow students or faculty. I cannot simply choose a single favorite memory, just like I cannot simply choose my favorite movie or song.

What are your plans after graduation?

My plans are to seek employment and potentially return to graduate school for physical therapy.

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

Focus on getting good at college: use a planner, show up to class, do your assignments, STUDY, schedule days off, talk to your classmates to make friends and study groups, sleep, eat, and exercise. Once you master “getting good at college” the rest will take care of itself. As a freshman, you have time to change majors, and you can drop or withdraw from a class if needed, so spend the first two semesters adapting to your new environment and “getting good at college.”