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Decathlete Matt Cornett ’20 (exercise science) Maximizes His Athletic Ability – In Theory and in Practice


Matt Cornett ’20 knows how to get the most from his body. As a decathlete for UIndy’s track team, he pushes the limits in ten different, grueling events. He is strong. He is fast. He can endure. And he wouldn’t be in the best shape of his life, physically and mentally, without UIndy.

A senior exercise science major, Cornett came to UIndy to compete. But he has achieved a greater understanding of his own abilities—and the potential of others—through his work in the classroom. He is president of Phi Epsilon Kappa, UIndy’s honor society for kinesiology students, and he soaks up every opportunity to learn. 

“As far as college campuses go, UIndy has some of the best resources and equipment for exercise testing in the country,” he said. “The content I have learned here has prepared me well for my graduate work and patient interaction.”

Find a good balance between work and play. This is your chance to better yourself in every aspect. Seize your moment.

Matt Cornett ’20

Cornett plans to attend physical therapy school after graduation and wants to work with elite athletes one day, either at the professional or college level. Leaning on his experience as a track athlete (Cornett was fourth at last spring’s Great Lakes Valley Conference meet in the decathlon), he has been able to learn through competition.

“I believe being in athletics has greatly supplemented my exercise science curriculum, allowing me to make connections and realize practical applications for the things that seem somewhat abstract when we learn them in class,” he said. “I think that this is a unique experience and has given me an edge over my peers.”

Cornett has one more season to achieve his best in competition, but his career-best will be in the performance of others, thanks to his unique start at UIndy.