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Meet Sabrina Camargo ’21 (psychology/criminal justice/sociology)

  • Graduation: May 2021
  • Major: Psychology and Criminal Justice with concentrations in clinical counseling studies (PSY) and law enforcement (CJ) 
  • Minor: Sociology 


During my second year at UIndy, a new instructor started the Sociology Club, where I became the co-social media coordinator, the secretary my 3rd year, and president during my senior year. I have been able to see the club grow from the beginning. 

Future plans

I am on a 4+1 track to graduate with a MA in Applied Sociology in May 2022. I am passionate about working with the Hispanic/Latinx community and hope to find a career helping that community after graduating with my MA. 

How you’ve grown at UIndy

Each program has taught me to never settle and to continue searching for answers for what may be unknown. I started out my freshman year with no interest in research, but slowly learned the power of research and its importance. It has taught me to always stay curious about the world around us. 

UIndy mentors

I have been fortunate enough to have several faculty members who have guided me and helped shape me into the student and person that I am. From the Psychology Dept. Dr. Loria always went above and beyond to help me apply my interests in my work. In the Criminal Justice Dept. Dr. Biggs was always a fantastic instructor who also helped me see how my degree in criminal justice could be applied in other areas the law enforcement. However, the Sociology Dept. is really where I felt at home. Dr. Wynn, Dr. Ziff, Professor Mouser, and Dr. Miller have all helped me truly grasp my passions and how I can apply them outside of the classroom. 

Favorite thing about UIndy

It has always felt like home. Carrying the Mexican Flag during the Celebration of the Flags my junior year will forever be my favorite memory of UIndy. UIndy appreciates diversity, which is why I felt at home. 

Advice to incoming freshmen

Never to be afraid to nerd out. College is the time and place where you are meant to learn and pursue your passions!

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