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Q&A with McKenna Tetrick ’21 (psychology, Spanish)


What degree program(s) will you be graduating from?

I will be graduating this May with a B.S. in Psychology with a concentration in clinical and counseling studies and a B.A. in Spanish. I also have minors in English Literary Studies and Latin American Studies. 

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

My advice for freshmen would be to let yourself be curious! Don’t feel like you have to tie yourself down to one area – explore and have fun!

What is the most significant way that UIndy has had an impact on you?

UIndy has become my home away from home. It has allowed me to learn about myself, others, and the world around me in ways I never thought I could.

How has your program prepared you for the next steps in your career?

Both psychology and Spanish have given me great, holistic approaches to my education. They have prepared me for a career in giving me a wide range of applicable skills.

Do you have any faculty mentors, and if so, how have they helped you?

My greatest faculty mentors have been unofficial, but incredible nonetheless. I am eternally and especially grateful to Dr. Ana Maria Ferreira for consistently inspiring, encouraging, and educating me throughout the past four years. The English and Psychology departments house too many amazing people to specifically honor one, but they have all mentored me in their own fantastic ways. 

Have you been involved in any extra-curricular activities?

For the past 3 years, I have served on the board for the Global Languages Organization (GLO). This organization has helped me meet new people, become further involved in the Spanish department, and foster relationships with faculty and peers alike. I recommend everyone take part in an organization that interests them!

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I plan on taking a gap year and then returning to UIndy for grad school! As for long-term career goals, I plan to work with literature in some shape or form. I would love to work for an international publishing house.

What has been your favorite thing about UIndy?

My favorite thing about UIndy is the small-school feel of it. I love the opportunity to take multiple classes with professors and other students, leading to lasting relationships!