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Mitch DeWitt ‘21 (Master in Science of Management): Climbing the Ladder, One Night Class at a Time


Mitch DeWitt ‘21 wanted to pursue an advanced degree, but had to continue working full-time in order to afford one and didn’t want to give up his position of defensive back on the UIndy Football team. The University of Indianapolis’s Master in Science of Management (MSM) program gave Mitch the flexibility he needed to earn a graduate degree and climb the corporate ladder.

“I enjoyed the fact that the program was designed for working business professionals,” Mitch said. “The courses were all at night which allowed me to work full time during the day. Most professors were very understanding and did everything they could to help you in your current role or help you plan for future opportunities.”

UIndy provided Mitch with convenient access to downtown Indianapolis so he could continue to work and enjoy the many recreational opportunities Indy has to offer. Mitch also appreciated UIndy’s small class sizes, which allowed him to actually get to know his professors and vise versa. 

During his graduate studies, Mitch worked as a sales trainee for Forest River Inc., a manufacturer of recreational vehicles, including RVs. In this role, Mitch assists regional sales managers submit orders, review change orders, create spreadsheets of our product lines, answer customer questions, and service dealerships at shows all across the U.S. 

“I have enjoyed visiting new cities and trying new restaurants out for dinner,” Mitch said. “I am eagerly looking forward to the day when I get to call some dirt (a territory) my own.”

And now that he has completed his MSM, that day is coming. Mitch is preparing to transition to the role of regional sales manager at Forest River Inc., where he will service RV dealerships across the U.S. and train their sales force on Forest River Inc. products and services. 

“I believe this MSM diploma, and my transferable skills from excelling on the football field were the reasons that I got the role I did over other candidates,” Mitch said. “The gentleman who interviewed me mentioned that with this master’s degree, I could rise in the ranks of the company.” 

To other students who may be struggling to balance their desire for a graduate degree with the pressures of everyday life, Mitch offers the following advice: “Take advantage of the connections you can build and network like crazy, most of the time it’s about who you know! I thank UIndy for the special relationships and opportunities that it has provided me with. I would not be where I am today without first becoming a greyhound!”