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Texas Occupational Therapist Finds Value in UIndy Doctor of Health Science Program


Regan Blankenship ’22 (Health Science) has been an occupational therapist for almost eight years and is currently working in the constraint-induced movement therapy program at Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston.

 “I knew I wanted a career in Occupational Therapy when I was very young. I always had a passion for helping children, and once I found the career of OT I just never turned back,” Blankenship said.

She said she also always knew she wanted to go back to school, but didn’t know where to start. When an OT classmate of hers mentioned that she was pursuing a Doctor of Health Science degree at UIndy, that was the nudge Blankenship needed.

“Once I explored the program and the availability of online instruction, I just knew it was the place for me,” she said.  

“The UIndy DHSc program has been one of the best decisions I’ve made in my career. From the moment I started the program, the professors were excited and eager to help and guide me in any way I wanted to go. There have been a lot of changes in my life since starting the program — I moved across the country and we went through (and are still going through) a global pandemic. I honestly felt many times I may need to take a break. However, I had a great committee member who kept me going and every single professor was there to help me out in any way I needed them.”

Blankenship plans to use her doctorate to help with research within the physical medicine and rehabilitation department at Texas Children’s. “I would love the opportunity to do research in my field and also help other therapists start research of their own,” she said. 

To those considering the UIndy DHSc program, Blankenship is encouraging.

“Go for it! This has been such a great experience; I have learned so much about research and have a much greater respect for research, “she said. “This program has been something I have thoroughly enjoyed, and I am going to be sad when it is all over.”