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Skylar Archambeault ’23 ’24 Realizes Lifelong Dream of Career in Archaeology with UIndy 4+1 Program


Congratulations to the University of Indianapolis Class of 2024! We asked our newest alumni to share their UIndy experience and their post-graduation plans. Meet two-time UIndy graduate Skylar Archambeault, who recently received her Master of Science in Archaeology!

Why did you choose to pursue your master’s in archaeology?

I’ve known I wanted to be an archeologist since I was three. Growing up, I was always watching archaeology shows with my dad and I found it so interesting to see how people of the past lived and what their lives were like. I’ve always loved history and archaeology, but ultimately my dad is why I pursued this path. My dad started my passion for archaeology and has been my biggest supporter in attaining this dream.

Why did you choose UIndy?

I chose to study at UIndy after visiting the school during the archaeology preview day, where I was able to sit in on a class and meet with the faculty of the department. I really loved how hands-on the program was and that they had a 4+1 program where I could work towards my bachelor’s and master’s at the same time.

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they, and how did they influence you?

Dr. Christopher Schmidt and Dr. Christopher Moore have had such a big impact on my time at UIndy and I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to learn from them. Both Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Moore have always believed in me and really helped me realize the value in not underestimating myself. Even when I thought something might have been too challenging for me to accomplish, I knew that Dr. Schmidt and Dr. Moore thought I could, which made me work harder.

Have you received any honors or awards during your time at UIndy?

At the end of my time as an undergraduate student at UIndy, I was awarded the Philip Young Memorial Outstanding Student Award, which is given to the top senior of the Anthropology/Archaeology Department!

During your time at UIndy, did you have the opportunity to complete an internship or earn part-/full-time employment with an organization in your field? If so, what was it and how did it help you professionally?

I was very lucky to have the opportunity to work as a collections intern at the Indiana State Museum. While at the museum, I worked with my best friend to reorganize one of their archaeological collections. Having this internship helped me professionally by showing me how expansive the career options are in archaeology.

What are your plans after graduation?

After graduation, I plan on starting my career in archaeology and spending lots of time with my friends and family. I’m most excited to spend time with my two nephews!

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

My favorite memories from my time at UIndy include many Taco Bell trips with my friends when we needed a pick-me-up for late night studying even though we were definitely goofing off.

What advice would you give to incoming students?

The best advice I can give is to prioritize self-care. I think, a lot of times, people only prioritize self-care once they’ve reached the point of burnout and are trying to fix the problem. You can’t pour from an empty cup, so my advice is to take care of yourself in all aspects of life.