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Senior spotlight: Isaac Bush ’21 (finance & supply chain management)

  • Graduating: May 2021
  • Majors: Finance and Supply Chain Management
  • Strain Honors College


Member of the Executive Board for the UIndy Finance Club. “Through this, I was able to gain more leadership experience and connect to both my fellow finance majors and professionals in the industry.”

What are your plans after graduation?

“Immediately following graduation, I will transition from being a Procurement Intern to being a Procurement Program Analyst at Allison Transmission. In this position, I will be the purchasing representative for one Allison Transmission product line. I eventually plan on earning my MBA as well. Ultimately, I strive to one day become either a Chief Operating Officer (COO) or Chief Financial Officer (CFO) of a major corporation.”

How has your program prepared you for the next steps in your career?

“The School of Business does a great job providing students with experience in all of the business areas. This allows students to see which one they like the most. I personally enjoyed the Supply Chain Management curriculum, as it is so varied and provides a wide range of instruction. This allowed me to be prepared for various internships and my future full-time job upon graduation.”

Who are your UIndy mentors?

“All of the professors were great in their individual ways, but I would say that Dr. Karl Knapp was my main faculty mentor. He especially helped me in developing and completing my Honors Project. He also helped me make connections and understand different career possibilities.”

What internship experiences have you had?

“I’ve had four internships. My first was with Travelers Insurance as a Business Insurance Underwriting Intern. I then interned as a Finance/Accounting Intern at IMMI. After that, I was an Accounting Intern at Spot Freight. Currently, I am a Procurement Intern at Allison Transmission, which will lead to a full-time position in May. Through these internships, I gained great experience in a variety of career fields. I learned how a business runs, office etiquette, soft skills, and leadership skills, as well as specific accounting, finance, and purchasing-specific skills.”

What advice do you have for incoming freshmen?

“Making connections early is very important. Go to career fairs and events to try to make connections. This will hopefully lead to internships and eventually a great job following graduation.”

What’s your favorite thing about UIndy?

“The small class sizes. As someone who came from a very small, rural high school, this was very important to me. I was able to build connections and personally interact with all of my professors. This greatly enhanced my education and made me feel welcome.”

UIndy has given me the chance to receive a great education while also building real-world connections. These connections have been and will continue to be vital throughout my career.

Isaac Bush ’21

Learn more about the UIndy School of Business