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Savahana Dye ’21 (Sport Management): Ready to Launch


Savahana Dye ’21 graduated in December 2021, fully ready to launch her careers—thanks to the opportunities and experiences she had with UIndy’s Sport Management program.

“The real-world experience that I have received in class and in my internships has prepared me very well for the next steps in my career,” she says. “This is because of the experiences, networking opportunities, and relationships that can be built with professors. My experience at UIndy is what I would consider unique because of the size and the location of the university.” 

Throughout her time at UIndy, Dye was involved in several different campus organizations. For starters, she was the senior editor for Her Campus at Indy. She was also involved in the student chapter of SHRM, where she learned about human resources management. Finally, she worked for two years as an orientation leader, assisting new students through orientation and helping them navigate the change from high school to college.

In addition to her on-campus involvement, the Sports Management program helped Dye secure an internship. For three semesters, she worked at Landmark Event Staffing in Lafayette. Through this internship, Dye says honed several skills, including communication, time management, leadership and teamwork. 

Through all of her experiences, Dye knew she could count on her professors for guidance.

“Dr. Vansickle was a mentor for me throughout my time in the program. She has answered questions and assisted me in finding my internship,” says Dye. “Plus, she gave me the opportunity to take KINS 481, which helped me get hands-on experience in the sport management field.” 

Be Ready to Be Bold

As she closed out her undergraduate career, Dye couldn’t help but reflect on how to make the most of the four years in college: “Never be afraid of putting yourself out there for an opportunity or experience. Even if the experience might seem scary, it will help you grow as a student as well as help you in your career after graduation.”