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Q&A with Joseph Glassmeyer  ‘23 (Mechanical Engineering)


The Class of 2023 has officially graduated and is ready to use their UIndy education for service to their communities. Meet Joseph Glassmeyer, who recently received his Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering with minors in Mathematics and Physics!

Why did you choose to study Mechanical Engineering?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always wanted to be an engineer. I like to determine how things work, how they are made, and how they could be better. I have been around mechanical equipment from an early age, as I lived on my family’s farm, watching and learning from my dad and grandpa as they worked with equipment. 

In middle school, I was exposed to the types of different engineering disciplines through my gifted education class, and mechanical engineering seemed to be the best for me due to my love of math, science, and problem-solving. 

As I went through high school, it became an easy decision as I entered an engineering program at my local vocational school. This is where I was exposed to CAD and product design for the first time. Here, I designed a number of different mechanical systems, including a cam and follower display, mechanical puzzles, and robotics.

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

I had spent a good amount of time in Indianapolis between different organization conventions (including FFA) and from my time at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway for races and events. The distance from my hometown in Ohio and the proximity of the campus to downtown were other appealing features of the location. 

The size of UIndy was close to the educational environment that I was used to and was looking for. I wanted to go to a school where I could interact with faculty and staff regularly and develop relationships with them as we worked together. I also did not want to sit in a lecture hall, I wanted to get to know all the people I would possibly work with throughout my classes. 

The engineering program was my main factor in deciding on UIndy as I wanted to be a part of the growing and developing process of the R.B. Annis School of Engineering (RBASOE). The DesignSpine curriculum would allow me to apply my love of design and problem-solving from my first day on campus and would allow me to have a hands-on education.

Are you a part of any extracurriculars (either on or off campus)? If so, what are they and what is your role?

Outside of class, I was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) UIndy chapter, serving as the Vice President last year and President this year. Over the past two years, the leadership team and I have been able to use UIndy ASME as a helpful resource and community for the students of RBASOE through our different events and workshops. 

I have served as an engineering mentor, tutor, research assistant, and teaching assistant over my time at UIndy, connecting with younger students and using my knowledge to further my own and others’ studies. I also was a member of the UIndy Tennis Club and participated in intramural basketball. 

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

Throughout my time at UIndy, I have had the opportunity to form great relationships with a number of faculty and staff members within RBASOE. 

Dr. Rashedul Sarker, Dr. Najmus Saqib, and Dr. Suranga Dharmarathne have been amazing professors throughout my studies, serving as faculty advisors for my research, ASME, and DesignSpine projects respectively. 

Dr. Paul Talaga, though not a mechanical engineering professor, has been extremely impactful on my time at UIndy as a faculty advisor on two of my DesignSpine projects, pushing me to do the best work possible. He is always available for a project or a chat about life. 

Dr. Talaga and James Emery, RBASOE Lab Manager, have allowed and pushed me and other students to work on our own projects and pursue our passions in any way they can. James has allowed me to use the lab facility to complete a number of personal projects while also always offering advice and assistance any time I needed it. 

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

My favorite memories from UIndy come from the late nights in the engineering building working on projects, studying for exams, or getting prepared for class work. My favorite memory from these late nights was one where I was studying with a friend in preparation for a final exam for one of the harder mechanical engineering classes.

We were up till 2 a.m. studying, but made time to have a quick dance-off, did wheelie chair races, and made time to get some ICEEs. This was a great example of finding happiness in a challenging situation. Our studying began at 9 a.m. that day and by taking breaks and having fun, we were able to keep our minds focused and fresh in preparation for our big exam.

What are your plans after graduation? 

After graduation, I will be continuing on at Roche Diagnostics. I was fortunate to be returning to Roche after a successful summer as a Roche Academy Intern, working at the Off-Site Implementation Center (OSIC). At OSIC, I created, modified, and adjusted packaging solutions for four different lines of Roche products. 

I also formulated and executed a process analysis procedure to identify opportunities for improvement and managed stakeholders to implement short and long-term solutions from the identified opportunities. As I continue to Roche, I will be entering one of the three areas associated with Roche Academy. These areas are Field Engineering, National Installation Team, and Customer Support Center. 

How did your degree program prepare you for your next steps?

The R.B. Annis School of Engineering has provided me with a number of skills and the knowledge to be a successful engineer through the DesignSpine curriculum. I have been fortunate to have been able to apply my learnings to four different projects at this point for industry clients, national competitions, and entrepreneurial development. 

Beyond just engineering, the skills I’ve obtained from RBASOE extend into business, marketing, and sponsorship through developing my own business plan and working to start a racing team. I feel that these learning experiences in RBASOE have prepared me to succeed in my future career as I am prepared to handle any engineering or business challenges that may come my way. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

The advice I would give incoming freshmen would be to use this time in life to find what makes them happy and use that to guide and motivate them through the challenges. College is not going to be a walk in the park for most people and there will be challenges you do not think you can get through at some point. Keep on pushing and see the bigger picture when it comes to these challenges. If you enjoy what you are doing, then there is nothing that can stand in your way as you begin setting goals for yourself in the short and long term.