Get to know Director of Data & Operations and Healthcare Career Coach Stephanie Kendall-Deitz, who is coming up on her tenth year serving UIndy at the Stephen F. Fry Professional Edge Center.
Tell us a little bit about your role and responsibilities at UIndy.
I get to help students and alumni find and pursue their passions, particularly those who want to work in healthcare. I also help to keep the Professional Edge Center running like a well-oiled machine!
What inspired you to pursue a career in your field, and what do you enjoy most about it?
I spent the first 20 years of my career in the pharmaceutical industry working in Human Resources. In that job, I most enjoyed helping people find their strengths, believe in themselves, and achieve their goals. When I realized there were jobs that did that full-time and worked with college students, I jumped at the chance and I’ve never looked back.
What is the best part of your job?
Seeing students become more confident and ultimately achieve their goal of getting accepted into graduate school or getting a full-time job. I’m as proud of them as if they were my own kids!
Can you share a memorable moment or achievement from your time at UIndy?
I was working with a very bright first-generation undergraduate student who was applying to four Doctorate of Physical Therapy (DPT) programs. She had all the traits and experiences that schools are looking for. She looked at me and said, “what if I don’t get into any of these schools?” and I said to her, “I really think you are going to get into all four of these schools.” She was so surprised by my confidence in her and she started to believe she might at least get into one school (and of course she did get into all four schools). One of my personal mottos is, “I will believe in you, until you believe in yourself.”
How does your office support the UIndy community, and how do your services benefit students, alumni, faculty, and/or staff?
The Professional Edge Center conducts scores of events, workshops, classroom visits, and employer sessions for students, in addition to our core activity which is meeting 1:1 with students and alumni to provide individual, custom career coaching. Last school year we met with over 1,600 students in over 2,700 individual appointments. We also partner with many other staff and faculty groups across the organization to work toward positive student outcomes.
What advice do you have for UIndy students currently pursuing their studies?
Most people say they came to UIndy for the small class sizes and personal relationships, so use those! Go to every office that serves students and use their services and get to know them.
Do you have a favorite tradition or event at UIndy that you look forward to each year?
Without a doubt my favorite day of the school year is the first day of school. The entire Pro Edge team (and often other people too) stand in the atrium of the Schwitzer Student Center with props and signs that say “First Day of School” or “Last First Day of School” or “First Day of Freshman Year” and we gently “cajole” the students into taking pictures to send home to their loved ones to commemorate the day. It is such a joyful time and we love seeing all the students after the quiet summer without them.
What’s a hobby or interest you have that might surprise your colleagues?

I have been to many, many live concerts and recently saw Bruce Springsteen perform almost exactly 40 years after I saw him the first time (the tickets were much more expensive this time!).
Do you have a favorite quote or mantra that inspires you?
The story of the starfish involves a small child saving starfish on the beach. An older man asks the child what difference it makes, given how there are thousands of starfish on the beach and only one child. The child throws a starfish into the water and says “I made a difference to that one!” That is how I feel about the problems of this world. We can’t solve them all but we can make a difference to the people we encounter.
What’s a favorite book, movie, or TV show that you’re currently enjoying?
I’m currently watching Emily in Paris!
What is one must-visit spot, restaurant, or event in the Indianapolis area that you recommend to the UIndy community?
I absolutely love the vibe at Calvin Fletcher Coffee on Virginia Avenue. You can even bring your dog. They give half of their tips every month to a charity. I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but everyone loves their coffee. I’m personally a fan of the iced tangerine tea.
What else would you like the UIndy community to know about you?

When I’m not at my “day job” I am very involved in the running of a community food pantry serving the Beech Grove and inner southside of Indianapolis. I probably spend an average of about 10-20 hours per week working on food pantry business, including ordering the food from Gleaners, organizing a team of about 40 volunteers, keeping all the metrics about our guest demographics and attendance, applying for grants and soliciting businesses for donations, and serving at the food pantry distribution events. Each month our pantry serves between 400-500 people in two different distribution events. It is an incredibly fulfilling experience and definitely makes you grateful for all that you have. If anyone would like to donate or volunteer they can talk to me anytime!