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Q&A with Alrielle Viewegh ‘23 (Literary Studies, Secondary Education)


Leading up to May Commencement, we’re asking some of our graduates to tell us about their experience as Greyhounds and where their journey will lead them next. Meet May 2023 graduate Alrielle Viewegh who will receive a Bachelor of Arts in English on the Literary Studies track with an additional major in Secondary Education, a minor in creative writing and an Honors concentration at the end of this semester!

Why did you choose to study English and Education?

I just simply love English. I love being able to explore different worlds and perspectives.

Why did you choose to study at UIndy?

UIndy felt like an extension of home! With my dad working at UIndy, I spent countless summers on campus as a kid. With the strong community surrounding UIndy, I really could not imagine myself anywhere else. 

Are you a part of any extracurriculars (either on or off campus)? If so, what are they and what is your role?

Yes! I was on Etchings Literary Magazine’s staff for three semesters. During that time, I was design editor for two semesters and managing editor for one semester. I am a peer tutor and assistant to the director in the Writing Lab. I was also a designated tutor and Conversation Circle facilitator in the Writing Lab for two years. I am the secretary for Aspiring Educators and president for the English Honors society, Sigma Tau Delta

Are there any faculty or staff members who have significantly impacted your time at UIndy? If so, who are they and how did they influence you?

I feel like I could name every professor that I have had as individuals who have impacted my time at UIndy. In particular, Dr. Jen Camden heavily influenced my love for English, specifically gothic literature and literary criticism lenses (like ecofeminism), and helped cultivate me as a student during my first few years at UIndy. She also gave me opportunities to complete undergraduate research and attend my first conference with her. 

Dr. Leah Milne also developed my love for and interest in multicultural literature and helped guide me, along with Dr. Camden, as I continued to complete research in my undergraduate studies. 

What is one of your favorite memories from your time at UIndy?

One of my favorite memories from my time at UIndy was creating the poster for the Iola Leroy Communiversity. I was able to work with Dr. Jen Camden and Professor Katherine Fries to combine my love for English with my love to create. After planning the design, I spent countless hours typesetting quotes that helped capture significant moments in the novel before the printing process actually began.

What are your plans after graduation? 

I have already accepted a job teaching high school English at a school west of UIndy, so I plan to start teaching and applying for graduate school programs for literature. 

How did your degree program prepare you for your next steps?

My degree program prepared me for my next steps by including a rigorous curriculum and research and collaboration opportunities. These allowed me to discover and hone in on my interests while being able to work with a variety of people. 

What advice would you give to incoming freshmen?

This piece of advice seems cliché, but I think it is the most important thing incoming freshmen can hear: students need to get involved. UIndy offers numerous RSOs, intramural sports, volunteer opportunities, and interdisciplinary activities, and students should take advantage of them. 

College is the perfect time to explore new interests, re-ignite old interests, and meet people from different backgrounds. I truly believe that being involved and exposing yourself to new experiences makes you a stronger individual, student, and candidate for job and internship opportunities.