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“Get Involved!” Student Organizations Open World of Opportunity for First-Year Greyhound Emma Wethington ‘27 (Finance)


“Get involved on campus!” That’s what most upperclassmen say when you ask them what advice they’d give to incoming freshmen. Getting out of your dorm and pursuing your interests with your classmates offers many benefits, some obvious and some very unexpected. Just ask first-year Greyhound Emma Wethington ‘27 (Finance).

Hailing from Mount Sterling, Ohio, Emma decided to become a part-time Hoosier after participating in the CASE Competition hosted by the UIndy School of Business. In this competition, high school seniors are challenged with creating and presenting a business pitch for a fictional product. Participating in the competition made Emma fall in love with UIndy – and not just because she won.

“When I was at the CASE Competition, I just really fell in love with the School of Business and the faculty and students there,” explained Emma. “That’s really what brought me to UIndy.”

Emma originally declared a major in business administration and management, but kept an open mind and explored different aspects of business during her first semester. She knew that she would most likely end up changing her major, which is exactly what happened after she took Finance 210.

“I knew that I would probably end up changing to either finance or supply chain because I wanted something that involves math, which is my strong suit,” said Emma. “Then I took a finance class with Dr. Matt Will and I absolutely loved it. That’s what confirmed for me that I wanted to be in finance.”

Even outside of the classroom, Emma has immersed herself in the School of Business. She currently serves as President of the Marketing Club and as Student Recruitment Manager for the BizHounds while also participating in the Supply Chain Society and the Student Business Leaders Academy (SBLA). Her interest in these student organizations can again be traced back to the CASE competition.

“I saw student leaders at the competition and realized that I want to do that. I want to be involved,” recalled Emma. “So then when I came on campus, from the beginning, I volunteered for everything I could and took any opportunity that was available.”

Despite a busy schedule (which she manages with the help of her Google calendar), Emma has no regrets about getting involved in so many organizations on campus. Exactly one year later, she has achieved her goal of being one of those inspiring student leaders she met as a high school senior. As the Student Recruitment Manager for the BizHounds, Emma organized and hosted the 2024 CASE competition. 

“It can be a lot in terms of time management, but it’s also helped me meet so many new people and just get more out of my college experience,” she said. “I get to do so much more than what I thought I would, so it’s been really great in that I’ve had so many different opportunities just this first year.”