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Kelsey Green ’21 ends senior year with Governor’s Fellowship


Kelsey Green ‘21 (history, psychology) recently accepted a prestigious position at the Indiana Statehouse as a Governor’s Fellow. There, she will take an active role in the statehouse, work with various state departments to achieve their annual goals, and gain firsthand experience learning how state policies are made. She hopes to use that experience to bolster her applications to doctoral programs once that posting has been completed.

UIndy 360 got to know Kelsey with this Q&A before she graduated this May:

How has UIndy prepared you for the next steps of your career?

UIndy has prepared me for the next steps in my career by challenging me academically and helping me realize my own potential. As a freshman, I wasn’t sure what my collegiate experience would entail but knew I wanted to grow both professionally and personally. In both the history and psychology departments, I’ve encountered many professors and mentors who have offered me career advice, encouraged me to take risks, and have been professionally invested in my growth. That personal mentorship is not something all students have access to and I’m very thankful I had people who supported me. 

Have you had any faculty mentors?

There are so many people I would need to thank for mentoring me! This is by no means an exclusive list but I’d like to thank Dr. Mason Burns, my honors advisor, for helping me complete my honors project and teaching me everything I know about social psychology and statistics. Dr. Frantz, my capstone history professor, for helping me navigate the complex world of historical academia and challenging me as a historical writer so I could produce a fabulous essay. Dr. James Williams, my professor and honors director, for supporting me through the honors project and providing ample support for such a challenging undertaking. And also Michael Strauss, my viola teacher and mentor of 4 years, who has always believed in my musicianship even when I didn’t. I could go on, but the list would be a mile long!

Were you involved in any other extracurricular activities on or off campus?

I am so honored and humbled to have received 2nd place in the Bennett-Tinsley award. I worked very hard on that essay and feel it is one of my best pieces of work yet. More so than anything, the award has motivated me, even more, to continue developing my writing skills and continue on my academic path!